[ROYALTY]College Study Game

Project Title:
Working Title

The player will be in a room with minimal distractions. They will have multiple places to study. How they will study will be loading PDF’s related to their study, into the game itself using it on different devices in the game. Giving the option to customize the room. walls, lighting, floor, devices, bed, the view outside, music, etc. The bedroom door will be expansions after the first engine is tried and tested.


  • Some feature #1 Loading PDF’s in a game setting allowing players to study and game,
  • Some feature #2 Custom virtual room for people that like games, and people who want a release from normal life.
  • Some feature #3 A very easy custom low distraction room. Outside the window will have minor distractions maybe random events with AI.

Team Name:
No company name yet looking for a team and possible major partner.

Team Structure**:**
<Project Manager=Corey Baggaley+N/A><C++ Programmer=N/A><Blueprint Scripting=N/A><3D Character Artist=N/A><3D Artist=N/A><Concept ArtistN/A>

Talent Required:
<Project Manager><C++ Programmer><Blueprint Scripting><3D Character Artist><3D Artist><Concept Artist>

E-mail: <corey.baggaley@snhu.edu>

One project at a time perhaps?


This is possibly the worst game idea I’ve ever seen, Id stick to your last project - if in fact you’re serious.