[ROYALTY] Business Proposition

CONTACT: mattyrj2468@gmail.com



I am a skilled programmer, writer, planner, and thinker with professional experience from junior to intermediate freelance work.
I basically have no life past an office job and wish to dedicate my extra time to forming a business seeking profits in projects that I enjoy and have enthusiasm for.

Unreal Engine 4-5:

  • Blueprints
  • C++
  • The engine itself


  • Python

Backend server architecture:

  • Node.js
  • Golang
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

Frontend webserver development:

  • HTML
  • CSS


  • Blender (low resolution textures, non-character assets, nor complex animation, basically quick prototype only)
  • Gimp (low resolution textures, quick sprite/VFX prototypes)
  • Audacity (prototype sound FX, character dialogue)


  • Novel
  • Lore
  • Lyrics



Those who are skillful in their respective fields, also looking to group together and create monetary streams that would otherwise not be possible alone.
Those who are not only capable of completing work in their area of knowledge, but also able to understand the positions of others fields, and contemplate how we can utilize ourselves most efficiently in order to prosper.
Most importantly, those who have passion for creative work and wish to spend free time to excel in those areas.


I do not care:

  • age (past needing parent/guardian on your behalf if under law)
  • ethnicity
  • gender/sex


  • 3D (modeler, animator) (preferably Blender)
  • 2D (icon, texture, VFX)
  • Level designer
  • Sound/music technician (sounds, music/composer)
  • Voice actor
  • Singers


  • Junior developers eager to learn and contribute under guidance
    • Blueprints
    • C++
    • Node.js
    • Golang
    • HTML
    • CSS


I am not going to pay you.

A partnership will be formed for progression in different projects. Money will be split by fair percentages of each projects work put in. All monetary values will be discussed/debated beforehand and modified throughout for obvious reasons. You will of course be able to leave and will continue to receive your share of profits for as long as it continues to generate. All important legal matters will be handled before commencement with a simple agreement to be drafted and signed together.

Expectations of immediate profit should of course not come to mind. Plan yourselves accordingly to wait a period of time.

The goal is to bring like-minded individuals in a collaborative manner to create what we enjoy with hope to be full-time in the future.


  • Video game development
  • Short films (comedic, satire, haunting, etc)
  • Songs
  • Anything that comes to mind that we are capable of completing with the people found

Income Streams

  • Sales
  • YouTube
  • Spotify
  • Advertisement
  • Anything else that we come to the conclusion of being feasible


This is only an extra thing to tack onto your life for pleasure with hopes of monetary flourishment. While you are not expected to contribute all of your days, a couple hours a week for progression is needed. Exceptions to occasional outings to prevent burnout/annoyance. We will communicate estimated time commitments.


This is not a job, you are not expected to respond within minutes. We will discuss availabilities and convey that towards each other. We can develop systems of urgency, such as ASAP vs whenever available.

Periodic contact amongst ourselves will be beneficial. To go over progress, how we can help each other, future projects, etc. We will keep notes for topics to cover as needed. We don’t have to have a meeting if we have no topics on the docket or if you are not under the purview. However, we should always be open to any additional ideas on subjects even if you are not directly involved.

  • Discord


  • Learning, as we will become more proficient in our skills and on others that we are less familiar.
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