Rowdywabbid - Megajam 2022 Progress

Hi, for this year’s mega jam I’m going to post video logs during the week of my progress for this year’s mega jam. No script so it might be a bit rough for some people. Hopefully, in the end, I will do a polished summary of the experience and hopefully have a finished entry to boot.


Greetings @RowdyWabbid !

Welcome back to the forums! I really dig your take on this year’s theme! We’re looking forward to how your game develops, and we appreciate being invited for the journey!

Wishing you the best of luck! :smiley:

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@Get_DOVAH_it Thank you for the warm welcome and for giving it a watch!

Day 3

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Now Day 5

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Hi Rowdy!

Quick question: Does stacking the pawns give any sort of advantage, or is this a quick way to deploy them all at once? :military_helmet:

My idea was that it boosts the defence of the objects by how many things are above it and prioritises targeting the attackers gunning for it. The build I submitted currently, it’s the latter.

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Last Video of my Dev Jam Log. A day after submission. Longest 2 days of my life.

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Hi RowdyWabbid!

5 days + the longest 2 days of your life = a successful submission! :wink: I thoroughly enjoyed your devlogs and will miss them! The finished product reminds me of Red vs. Blue (I think I just dated myself there! LOL!).

I’m amazed at how much you accomplished since your first video! Please tell us, what did you learn from this challenge? What was the most difficult and what was the easiest? How do you feel about having one week to create a game?

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Thanks for your kind words. What was considered a challenge for me was to stay focused on the goal in front of me. Knowing what to work on and what can be left out for another time is a concept hard to accept, especially in the past jams I have done. Reflecting on my early video, I wanted things like tanks, unit building and a resource system but by day 4, I had to drop everything and make sure a win condition was in place.

The hardest thing or the most frustrating thing was the art. While the biggest advice is to always build and run the games frequently. Making sure an Art pipeline is battle tested and ready for the game jam is just as important. I spent most of my night (the day before the submission) trying to import my animation for the soldier in the game, for whatever reason the import failed due to a mismatch on keyframes. Luckily it managed to import in UE4.7 and then I was able to migrate it over to UE5. I should have run some test runs before the jam started especially when using new/upgraded software.

This was also my first complete VR game. The VR template has come a long way and it made working in UE5 very approachable for me. Easy to customise and expand on. Kudos to the people that made it.

I think a mega jam a year is enough for me. Don’t think I could do the seasonal epic jams like in the past haha.