I’ve tried a lot of things and nothing working
First is there a Finterp for an INT instead of a float That would solve my problem?
I’m trying to make the Score Calculate/ interpolate (let it finish) then delay for 2 or 3 sec then restart the level.
some of the things I tried
Many ways to do it, how about this:
Alternatively, you could use a Timeline if you wanted the countdown to last precisely X seconds.
And if you need to convert to ints when counting up:
And no, interpolating integers would not work well with small values, the sampling wouldn’t work. You’d need to hack around it too much.
This becomes an issues in 2d when you try to move something by 1.4 pixel every frame and you can’t because 1.4 pixel is still the previous one. You need to accumulate / build up values. Floats work.
And if you wanted to go the Timeline way:
The difference here is that this will execute over precisely TL length (2s here), no matter how small or large the values are. And will tell you when it’s done - so no need to compare anything.
You can Set Rate for TL, too. So for small deltas, you can crank it up. No need to wail 2s if you only scored 1 point, for example.
How to use a timeline in a widget? This solved my problem but can’t figure out to display the score I tried it in the level bp and casted to widget and tried to set the text with the score value but that did not work. Debugging caused a crash that’s why no screenshot. But If you need one ill re-create it.