Hello everyone, I’ve a little problem with math today! The round (or floor) nodes return me an integer pin. Unfortunately I’m working with numbers bigger than a billion and I can’t find a way to remove the decimals without get the value clamped at the integer’s maximum value. I could solve it creating a specific function but I think there’s a node, somewhere in the engine that I have to find
The node you are looking for I think is CEIL
Nope, also Ceil return an integer pin that don’t solve my problem.
Actually, your was the first function I minded, then I made something (IMHO) better.
Solved with this custom function. It should work. Debug was fine and give me exact results (as I like!).
Genius! Currency, would have never thought of looking for that! Btw, if you want to get rid of the $, use a Right Chop by 1.
actually using $ in the currency code is eliminating $ sign… strange, try for yourself