Roughness/metallic texture Issue

Hi all,
I have a issue with the Roughness/metallic textures (or maybe it is lightning?).
In the first part of the video it looks correct, but then when I place the mesh in a level, it does not look correct anymore. Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?

Thanks, help is much appreciated :slight_smile:

what you can try:
Add a SphereReflectionCapture
Add a LightmassImportanceVolume
Switch GlobalIllumination method in project settings
Switch Shadow method in project settings

Here is an example: (2.6 MB)

Hello @Faze_Kaas !

It looks like a HDRI issue. A Background issue.
In the asset window you can see that the BG is the Epic buildings, so the mask reflects good since the whole stage is quite bright, but in your scene you can see that the mask is reflecting the clouds when you look it from below and that’s when it looks best.

Try adding a HDRI to your scene, an HDRI is a high dynamic range image that allows the reflections of the objects to be the ones that provide the image itself.
Or you can also use a Sphere Reflection Capture as the user above suggests. With a Sphere Reflection Capture the reflections will be generated according to your own scene, making the reflections more realistic (at the cost of a little more performance)

I leave you a link about HDRI information:

I hope any of this helps!

Hi thanks a lot I will look into those things

Hi, is the HDRI an option for games? Or is it only for renders etc?
Thanks anyway, will also look into that

You can use to light up a level. Either that or a CUBEMAP

Games too!

In games there is a concept called Skybox or Skysphere too, depending on the shape, which in theory is the same concept, use a giant form as a sky, which show the sky and can give you support for your reflections. The difference is that a HDRI is a type of image, try first using a HDRI in your scene and, if for some reason you don’t want to use it you can try skybox / skysphere

Thanks, I will look into it!