Roughness is not working

Roughness turns material all black regardless of color. Not shininess at 0 and not solid at 1+ just all black.

No, it doesn’t. Show us the material setup.

edit: just noticed the ubuntu/linux tags. A setup like in the attached image renders incorrectly on your end?

This is my problem. I’m using Ubuntu Linux 17.12

This is my problem. I’m using Ubuntu
Linux 17.12

Is this a default material?


yes, it’s the same exact default

One more question, does it render correctly with Roughness set to default?

I’m not entirely sure how well Linux handles UE4 these days but historically it did have issues with ShaderModel5. How up to date are your video drivers and what’s the GPU?

Also, are you launching the editor with any additional parameters?

No additional parameters
my GPU is R9 270x 2 gb
I found the problem is that when running in terminal. I get:
“missing cached shader map for material”

I found that a lot of other Linux Users have problems with that too.

I see, consider adding a thread in the forum’s Rendering section - perhaps it will attract attention of someone with in-depth knowledge of Linux UE4 conflicts.