I scan the full body and when is finish reconstruction the low body is great but the upper body is very roughness and I don´t know. I use 57 images and the quality in the low body is fantastic. I attach screenshot.
Its look like bad alignment… are you using XMP workflow or ?
Hi wishgranter!!
No understand xmp workflow, I read your post but no understand.
This is my workflow:
I shoot my cameras in raw, I put the images in RC and align. RC create one component with all images. My settings is the same your settings. After asign ground plane and reconstruction region and push in normal detail. The curiosity is the trousers and shoes is good. If is better xmp workflow i can´t use because i´m confussed.
My images is raw.
I see the same “bubbling” of tris mainly on the exposed skin, just like in the case I shared with you. You suggested that was due to slight movement of the subject, only overcome by scanning under a light stage or multi-camera rig. Here, though, the lower body being fine, how is that explained by movement? I’d expect a standing person can’t well move just the upper body, whole body would have to slightly shift.
Is it possible that skin with arm hair and and such produces confusion when program detects features? Has this bubbling every shown up elsewhere in models, is only overcome with a multi-camera rig, but not necessarily because of motion of subject?