I’ve been working with both Agisoft and RC to create 3d models of very small objects using macrophotos and microphotos. The subjects are tiny (less than 5mm in size). I’ve used different f stops, different lighting and different types of camera but continue to get a very similar problem with the surface meshing. I have taken between 20-500 shots and it only gets worse with increasing images. The cameras align perfect in both Agisoft and RC and the overall geometry is really good in both. RC much faster with more fine details. However, across the surface between real structures there is a lot of ‘bumpy / rough’ surface reconstruction. I though this was lighting, so changed it (LED, flash, ringflash, sunlight, shade) - still an issue. Thought it was f stop so tried f10, f16, f32 - still an issue. Even used some montaging of images (time consuming). The only way I have solved this surface roughness is to smooth post mesh either in RC, Agisoft or Meshlab. Which works but I’d rather not do anything to original mesh data. By producing a good texture these surface details disappear ‘covered up’ but I want make the most accurate surface geometry without too much post-processing the mesh.
Anything obvious I haven’t tried yet? Would love some help on this.