Rotation of Directional light of sunSky doesnt work

Hello!! I have a little problem here: when I change any value of axis rotation (rotação) it always returns to the same values 180°, -45,52 and 5,3106 . How can I put a value and it remain? #please-help-me

Hi @gus219a,

With the SunSky plugin the rotation is based on your position in the world + time of day. (For real-world accurate shadows)

So select the SunSky blueprint in your level (it looks like a compass) and change Location/Date+Time data to change the directional lights angle.

Welcome to the Forums!

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how can I make it? (I’m starting in unreal )

If you just want have full control over the rotation of the directional light, you can delete the SunSky Blueprint. (The Blueprint includes a directional light)

Then you could add your own directional light, which instead of being a directional light inside of a Blueprint controlled with logic, would be a simple light actor.

Alternatively: you could try disconnecting the ‘Update Sun’ function in the SunSky Blueprint. (This would come with the benefit of keeping the SkyAtmosphere and Skylight components)

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