How can I rotate a static mesh in editor mode?
I want that when I drag a static mesh from the library into the level, it is oriented in the right direction.
I can’t find this setting anywhere. I found a video that shows exactly what I want, but it’s for UE4, and I would like to do it in UE5. The two versions are not the same, so I can’t follow the video.
I know I can also solve this by rotating the model in the source program, but I’m wondering if it’s possible to do it in UE5, considering that it was possible in UE4. I believe it should be possible in UE5 as well.
I apologize for the video it would be easiest if you search on YouTube for: “Quick Dev Tip #26 UE4 - Change Asset Default Transform.”
Currently, I’m in the process of watching tutorials on how to re-orient the pivot on the model. If there’s no solution like the one in the mentioned video, I’ll resort to your method. It’s just that I’m noticing it’s not the fastest one.
So, from morning until now, I’ve been working in Unreal Engine, and everything is clear to me ( ). I can easily solve everything with modeling tools. It confused me a bit that you don’t edit this when a static mesh window