Rotation making no sense

  • Set World Rotation (component A) Rotation a value
  • Set Actor Rotation, input same rotation value

Result= the meshes are rotated differently

  • Set World Rotation (component A) Rotation a value
  • Set Actor Rotation, input Get World Rotation of component A

Result= the meshes are rotated the same

How can that make sense?

Hi Davision,

I just attempted to reproduce what you described but I couldn’t get your results. Is this setup about what you have? I get the same rotation each time.

Well it is part of a pretty complex setup.
The component is inside the player BP, physics animated and physics constraint. The physics constraint component is attached to a component that gets rotated in a loop.
The actor is just a simple spawned Actor. No clue what is going on but those result making it pretty clear that it can’t be right.

I have already worked it out here by not doing any Set rotation there at all, still might be a bug that you want to fix.

I’m glad you found something that will work for you.

If you would like to upload a test project or some screenshots that show your setup, please feel free and we can continue to troubleshoot the issue.
