I am currently having an issue rotating my Spring Arm and Camera. The issue is I am trying to update the Pitch of my springarm to match the pitch of the Direction of 1 Vector facing the other.
Basicly I am working on a racing game, and want the camera to follow the player in a 3D environment. So if the player is going around a loop, it looks normal with the camera following the player. Kinda like MarioKarts Camera system.
The Direction Vector is working off of a Linetrace to the ground the player is on coming from the -UpVector of the Camera, facing the player.
I have tried multiple attempts, but am still stuck, and looking for help. AddLocalRotation has been the closest to working, but this is either too slow in rotating for what I need, or gives a choppy rotation jumping as the pitch needs to change.
Have also been working with Quaternions, but rotating around the Right Vector by the angle of HitResult.ImpactPoint, and Player location gives a continuous rotation since the angle doesn’t reset to 0 when the springarm rotation matches.
I have also tried a FQuat::Slerp but that was giving me random rotations, or locking up when trying to rotate the Pitch.
I really just need a recommendation for rotating the SpringArm to match the Pitch of the HitResult.ImpactPoint to the Player as 360 degree rotation. C++ Preferred, but can translate from Blueprints as well.