When I rotate a physics object it, then i try to scale it I cannot scale its side but rather only its corners, how can i rotate the object and continue to scale the object by its sides?
Hi Legendproeliator,
First off, which version of the editor are you using? Also, could you post some screenshot showing us exactly what you are doing?
I’m using unreal 4.6.1, this is the probelm
First i place a physics object
Then i Rotate it, making sure its local rotate
then I when i go to scale it i can’t scale it from the edges but rather just the corners or where I stop the rotation
Okay, I see now. Thank you for posting the screenshots. This was a known bug in version 4.6.1 but the fix has made it in to 4.7.0. However, this version is still in preview so I suggest not building or converting any projects in 4.7.0 until it’s official release.