I have a Pawn that the Character possesses and in the Pawn I’m trying to add simple movement controls to rotate the static mesh within the pawn vertically when the mouse moves vertically. The static mesh is under the root node, and under the static mesh there is a spring arm with a camera under it.
I’ve gone through a couple iterations of this trying to get it to work. Rotating the player on the z axis with horizontal mouse movement works fine. The vertical movement only ever increases the pitch as intended when it’s perfectly in line with the axis. When mesh rotates on the z axis, the increase in pitch is never increased according to the direction the player is looking. In the video you can see this happen:
I’ve tried a couple things. Simple rotation, making a new transform and composing it, and trying to multiply y mouse value by the x & y values in the right vector. It seems like the rotation just never gets applied according to the way the mesh is facing and it always functions the same way as what’s show in the video. Im totally stuck at this point and any assistance would be appreciated