Rotating Multiple Objects About Local Pivot Using Another Object

I want to link the rotation on a single axis of multiple objects to 1 main controller-like object. Similar to how you would setup a rig in 3ds Max or Maya.

I’m struggling to figure out how to do this, as if I parent these objects to my controller object it uses the control object’s pivot point rather than the local pivot of all the objects.

For example, I have 20 louvers that I want to animate open and closing, and I want to link the rotation to single object I can use to keyframe in the sequencer.

How do I do this?

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I am trying to do the same in UE5.2 if anyone can help.
I have a array of solar panels and want to be able to rotate each of the 6 rows around there own pivot, but have one control rig or slider to do this in editor or sequencer while setting up archviz shots.

you need to parent everything that you want to rotate to another actor, then select all the children and set Location Type to World like so :

2023-08-20 18_42_42-Shell Handwriting Canvas

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@Extrone Thanks for the help. i thought I had it, but for some reason they are not rotating around the pivot, but some other random point. Is it because I have more items nested inside? Here is a video

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Yeah probably, I don’t think this method would work well if you have nested children. You might have to use some kind of Blueprint to update the rotations all at once. I don’t have the energy to think about how to do that now, I’ll try to think of something tomorrow. no promises though :sweat_smile: