Rotating Movement Scene Component not changing static mesh location

Please can someone explain to me why a Rotating Movement scene component moves a static mesh in simulation - which is clearly visible to see, but then doesn’t actually update or change the location of the object?

I’ve tried using the Rotating Movement with both ‘Rotation in Local space’ set to True and False, and nothing updates the static mesh’s location - which I need to obtain.

Try using get world location instead of relative location.

Relative location will never change because the ENTIRE ACTOR is rotating with the mesh.

Edit: Also, this is assuming the mesh hasn’t been placed 0,0,0 inside the actor, in which case it won’t change position regardless.

I’ve abandoned using the Rotating Movement because of this - I don’t know if its a bug or not.
I wasn’t actually using the “Get Relative Location” or “Get Global Location”, I was simply viewing it in the spectator while the simulation was running - neither the local value, nor global value for location properties on the mesh was changing at all. It was purely static - hence the question.

The other issue I have with Rotating Movement is that when you scale this to large distances (i.e. 50,000,000), the rotation is performed via teleporting, instead of a smooth motion.

Essentially, I’m trying to bypass the terrible SkyAtmosphere’s inability to attach a static mesh to a directional light so a “moon” doesn’t just look like a blue ball of light, and appears like the actual moon.
I’ve looked at multiple examples of this and none of them go into detail about using SkyAtmosphere with a static mesh, or they’re just scenery examples where the moon is static and doesn’t move with the directional light as time progresses.

I don’t know how to help you with making a moon, but I assure you that the rotating movement component does move the location of the mesh in world space and if you use “get world location” (on the mesh alone, not the whole actor) it should show changes.
I have never tried to use it with something huge like a moon rotation before though.

Yeah, when I was working with smaller stuff to test it, I could see the values in the object viewer moving around - so I was using that for tweaking.
Then I moved onto the moon itself, and it just stopped working altogether - no value movements, but the objects were moving about.

I’ve re-wrote my own stuff anyway using a couple of functions. This gets the rotation rate:

And then this bit of mess sets it:

And I’ve now got a smooth transition where the moon rotates around the night sky based on the time interval that’s input. I’m going to add a bit of rotational variety to it so its not just a vertical rotation, and I need to find a way to keep the moon rotated vertically upward so it doesn’t flip at 90 degrees from 0,0,0.

I just had this problem and figured it out. I put the static mesh in the game instead of the actor blueprint which is why it was rotating in simulation mode but not in the game. Make sure you drag and drop the blueprint in your game scene for anyone who might have this problem in the future.

In my case, the moon mesh was a child object of the blueprint.
I think this was simply a case of being a problem at the distance the object was projected to (and it’s size).

This would be really simple if the Sky Atmosphere’s directional light object could be configured with a static mesh.