Rotating/Hovering animation for static meshes

Hi all, i wan’t to add an animation for static meshes of the guns (which i’m using as pickubles, to pick the weapon from the ground) i wan’t to make them like in “GTA Vice city” style when weapons are hovering in the air, doing 360ª yaw rotation, i tryied to make it with Level sequence, but then i don’t know how to move the meshes that are inside the sequence, to different place on the level, and other stuff like adding gloving pulsing gloving circle around the meshes, i want to make them in a way so i will drag the static mesh into the level, and it will have alredy the animation + fx effect on begin play. This is what i have right now

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Just put a rotation component in the gun.

fp gun

You can have a BP with rotation, but when they pick it up, you destroy this and put the skeletal mesh in the player.


■■■■ with one click;P Thank you very much;)