Hello,sir.please help me.
I want to rotate a component on Z axis.
I tried a lot of nodes like “set relative rotation”, “set world rotation”. it’ll go well until the object is tilted.
Rotating on Z axis doesn’t work on tilted object?
And then I found a node called “add local rotation”.
It kinda work,but still strange.
The video above shown it’s rotating correctly(the top middle small box,the flying box is he’s child component),but you can see the rotation is not smooth.
And here’s it’s simple BP, the number 38 is a random number I tried. Other number it won’t rotate a whole circle.why’s that?
Thank you for take your time to help me.
I will try your solution.
And I researched some other topics.
And they described very well.
I think it’s my lack of base knowledge causing the issue.
Absolute rotation is not relative to anything, meaning setting anything to an absolute rotation of 90 makes every object or component you set to that point to the same direction.
Relative rotation is when you rotate one thing relative to something else. This is what happens to your fingers when you move and rotate your wrist, your fingers will also move and rotate relative to your wrist.
Last thing to understand is that you can rotate around a point, but that point can technically be anywhere. This is the pivot point.
Just like earth can rotate around its own axis but also rotate relatively to a point in orbit. In games a highly simplified “orbit behavior” could be a sphere rotating around a point which is not its own center but another location. The pivot point.
You could see “absolute” as the base rotation / position / scale of the entire universe, “relative” as an offset to something else (usually in a parent structure, a hand is offset by an arm), and “local” an offset to the self.