Currently, I have a 2D sprite outline of a rectangle, with an actor in the middle, and I’m trying to get the rectangle to rotate around the actor. It seems like installing a Rotating Component on the sprite would be the easiest solution. However, the sprite rotates around the center of itself independently of the actor, and I can’t find a simple way to change the origin of the rotation to the actor’s world position instead of the sprite’s center location. My blueprinted attempts to change the location of the Rotating Component just make the sprite randomly jump to different positions in the level. Any way to accomplish this?
Why don’t you just set the Pivot Translation on your Rotating Movement Component?
The location of the actor changes during gameplay, so I can’t use a hard-coded number as the rectangle’s center. I tried to see if you could set the Pivot Translation via Blueprints, but I couldn’t find anything.
If you set rotation in local space to TRUE, it will rotate around it’s own center (aka pivot point), regardless of where it is currently located. It will move just fine and keep rotating around it’s center.
If you attach your rotating actor to the character, it will rotate around it. Also, you can change the values of the rotating actor using blueprints (get actor → get rotating component)
I too want to know this for treaded tank movement.