Rotating a simple mesh and losing is collision mesh

I have a simple slab like box Mesh that is a ramp. if can set the ramp in the up position (default orientation) or in the down position (rotate x -85 deg) and it works fine as long as i do it in the editor before playing

when i make a very simple blueprint and rotate the ramp, the player can no longer walk up it correctly. it is unpassable at the end as if the ramp was still up.

I think this has something to do with the collisions but can’t figure out what? please help

Did you code your own character movement, or is that the default third person pawn?

Can the player walk up the first part of the slope but not the very end?

Rotate it in game so you get stuck, and then hit F8. This pops you out of the player, but keeps the game running, then you can take a look at the scene in player collision mode:


This is what I see (pic1) nothing is blocking my way but the player can not move forward. it’s as if the ramp is still in the upright position (pic2)


This is my own own character movement based on tutorials and the default third person pawn.

Yes it can walk up the ramp but acks like it in hitting a wall at the end of the ramp.

here is one more pic to try to explain what i am seeing.

all 3 ramps are the exact same blueprint. 1 is set to the normal position at the start, #2 is set to the open position at the start (-85 deg X) and number 3 is in the close position at the start but was open with the blueprint interaction shown above (rotating it by -85 deg)

I can walk over #2 no issues. but #3 i can only walk as far as you see in the picture before I

hit a wall.

it’s very strange.

It is strange. I’d try 2 things:

  1. Instead of adding and subtracting rotation on the ramp, set it absolutely. I’m wondering if you’re getting some sort rounding error problem.

  2. Just in case, try the standard third person char, and see if that works…