Hey there,
I’m trying to set the rotation of a cone spawner in a Niagara System from an actors blueprint so that the cone is always facing the player from every angle.
So far I’ve been unsucessful, I can get it to follow the player around it but on a flat plane, when height is added to the equation it breaks.
Here’s my setup, which I tried to mess with adding angles and stuff but so far nothing.
The sphere is at the center of the actor component and I’m trying to get a rotation from the vector calculated by the unit direction node which aligns with the player character.
I got a vector parameter inside the Niagara System which rotates the spawner cone and I’m updating it when the player character is close.
I tried to look it up but every single thread or tutorials only worked for a flat plane when no height is considered, which is the part I got pretty easily figure out.
This is the result in game.
Also I got it figure out when the cone is inside the actor component where it would follow the player, but not when putting the result vector inside the Niagara System
If anyone got a clue on how I could go on about this, I would greatly appreciate it !
Thanks !!