When using the RotateVectorAroundAxis, it only works on one axis. My goal is to make a planet orbit around a sun, however when I simulate the planets clips into the sun and past it, and comes back, in a loop. So it only moves on the Y axis. On the In Vect I have inputted the starting location of the planet, when I enter the X and Z, it just moves slightly diagonally/pitched up, but still goes in and out.
Basically, it’s not going around the axis, it’s going in and out of it.
Nevermind, I fixed it;
Input a number for the “Axis”. If the sun is at 0,0,0, add 1000 or something relative to the number of the “In Vect” to X,Y,Z depending on if you want it to rotate horizontally etc.
EDIT: Just input the same number on In Vect into one of the inputs of Axis.
Hello, I’d be curious to know how you fixed it. I don’t get this node, I really don’t understand how it works.
I want “actor1” (-2 x, -0,5 y ) to rotate around “actor2” (-3 x, -4,5 y ) by -30 degrees. How should I use the “RotateVectorAroundAxis” node? Which values should I enter into each inputs?