rotate thirdperson camera without rotating character - UE5.1

i’m aware similar questions have been asked but a solution hasn’t been found for me after trying it all.

i’ve created a working locomotion system using UE’s documentation:

every single step i took in creating the initial blueprints of my project, were added via this documentation.

in the simplest terms, i’m looking for the ability to rotate my camera freely around my third person character while they are idle, before moving where the camera is pointed.
currently my character rotates with my camera at all times.


i have:

  • unchecked/checked “use controller desired rotation” within the charmovecomp
  • unchecked/checked “orient rotation to movement” within the charmovecomp
  • unchecked/checked “use pawn control rotation” within the spring arm
  • unchecked/checked all the roll/pitch/yaw

i am aware that the default ue4 thirdperson project does not have this issue
i am aware that the default ue5 thirdperson project does not have this issue

i’ve now added more on, like a simple rootmotion system, along with a system to rotate the character to the camera while in motion, but again, the problem i was trying to fix existed as i completed the base locomotion system tutorial via the online documentation.

i’ll attach screenshots of my current blueprints:

(view run crouch and jump, straight fromt he documentation)

(additional root motion system from youtube)

please don’t comment asking me to change something within the additions i’ve made, as, again, the problem was there before hand, so the likely hood that you will be correct is practically 0%.

can anyone help me free the camera?

In your Third Person Character Blueprint:

Look for rotation (in the BP itself. Not on the camera, not on the mesh, not on the spring arm).

  1. Uncheck “Use controller Rotation Yaw”

  2. In addition, you might want to go to the character movement component, look for rotation and check “orient rotation to movement”

Make sure that you’re using the camera’s forward and right vectors for the movement inputs, and not the capsule’s.

Use “Pawn control rotation” should be deactivated on your camera but activated on the SpringArm