what @TonyStarick says… definitely experiment with this… try also posting a screenshot of your blueprint… the video clip definitely helps though
For Characters (not Pawns): the rotation of your character can be set in the following ways:
- Class defaults (Use Controller Roll/Pitch/Yaw)
- Character movement component (Orient Rotation to Movement and Use Controller Rotation Pitch/Yaw/Roll)
- Other ways, including physics (this is more advanced stuff, maybe not necessary)
For Spring Arms: The rotation of spring arm can be set also with Use Pawn Control Rotation, Inherit Pitch/Yaw/Roll. Rotation and Location Lag settings here will greatly help with smoothness and feel.
For Cameras: This can also be driven directly with Use Control Rotation
Depending on the feel/look that you are looking for. I’d experiment with your options. Honestly, from your video clip it looks like your character is moving in the forward direction of the camera (Camera Get Forward Vector). If you’d like it to move forward in the direction the character is facing, I’d use Get Actor Forward Vector and plug this into your Add Movement Input node.