it works at the first, but after i set the camera and player control back everything resets back to where it was. I want it to stay like that after the rotation animation completes. Any idea?
The first and easiest solution would be remove the connection from timeline finish. And make a custom event to reset ControlRotation.
I think you want to make something like this? You probably trigger the event from your Level Blueprint by calling a custom event in your player character. So you probably also know in your Level Blueprint when it should end so you can call the same way to reset it.
Or if it is alwas the same lenght, you could make the Timeline this lenght and stick to the blueprint you currently using.
It sounds like the controller doesn’t follow the rotation if the camera, and when you return camera control to the controller you go back to how it was.
I have two ideas, not sure if they would work, though.
For one, in your finish branch you could set the control’s rotation to be the same as that if the camera before setting the 2 bools back to how they were.
Or you could try setting the control’s rotation instead of the the camera’s in your timeline updates.
Brother, I tried it for three days. You saved me with this article. Thank you so much. Do you still use this method? There is still a better method. Thank you anyway. You are my savior.
Can I just point out that the timeline in the image above is not doing anything. I know this is like 6 years old now but had to point it out so newbies don’t include it if copying the above image. You could have a float inside the timeline (0-1) that controls the Delta time of the Rinterp node. But if you say it’s working with the ‘Get World Delta Seconds’ node then you could remove the timeline altogether here, then, after the Set control Rotation node, have a delay for however long you need it, then Rinterp back to the initial rotation maybe.