Rotate player towards object while overlapped and after key press

I can get the player to face towards and object during overlap but try as I might I’m unable to figure out how to do it while overlapped and after hitting a key. The screen shot below is working to get the player to continuously face the object.

But after a few attempts using multiple methods I’ve been unable to figure out a way to get this done. The screenshot below was my last attempt.

Strangely enough, I answered this yesterday:

Mine is a bit different as I don’t need to rotate the camera just the player due to being third person not first person. But I’ll try to implement and update with the results.

Unfortunately I’m quite new at this and can’t get it working using the blueprints you’ve given me, maybe I’ve done something wrong. When I overlap the collision box and press E nothing happens.

Did you enable input on the BP?

and make sure consume input is off for the keypress:


Create a Blueprint of Trigger Box and call it “Trigger”. Place it in your level and scale it big enough. Then create this in your ThirdPersonCharacter:

The Mesh is the mesh of your Third Person Character. Just drag and drop it into the event graph.

After my last reply I ended up finding a solution myself, but thought I would give your solution a try since you went through the trouble of helping me and it worked perfectly.

On the off chance that someone is looking for a elegant way of doing it, here is my solution.

Thank you ClockworkOcean and L1z4rD89 for the help.

Well now I feel silly, thank you again for the help.

Glad to hear that you were able to solve it :slight_smile: