Rotate Pawn when camera reach max or min yaw values

Hi, i need help with yaw camera. I made iam offset for character and i want to when animation at yaw is about to get to max or min values, like rotation is less than -90° then rotate the whole character. I am strugling for few days. I made little video on yt to better represent my problem.
I was playing with camera settings but no luck. Can you provide me some tips what to try or where to look?
Thanks a lot for yours answers.

It’s called “Turn In Place”. Quite a few vids/tuts covering it.

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One way to do this is to, first, add a boolean variable named ‘turning’ or something, then in tick event branch from it, if false, check if the absolute value of aim offset’s yaw is > 85 or 90-ish in another branch. If true, set ‘turning’ to true, and set UseControllerDesiredRotation to true on the character movement comp.

Then, back on first branch from the ‘turning’ bool, if true, check if the delta between character and control yaw is near 0, and turn UseControllerDesiredRotation back off if it is. You can also use the ‘turning’ bool in the anim bp for playing turn in place animations.