I made a gear mesh in maya, imported in Ue4,
So far so good.
When i make a Blueprint so the gear can start rotate
(with Make Rotator & set relative rotation)
it spins in the right direction.
But, for some reason when i rotate the gear inside the blueprint view
to match the position of where i want the gear to be
(let’s say Z rotation +45° - the position doesn’t mather, only Z Rotation is affected)
the gear also rotates in the right direction but it rotates on Z 0° and not on Z +45°,
it always rotate on the imported Z 0°.
Now is there a way to fix it inside ue4?
In the scene i’m making i need 10 gears,
all in a different Z Rotated location.
I could import 10 different gears with a different Z rotation on import but that seems like dumb …
So you guys how can do it with just 1 gear?
I hope you understand what i mean.
Look at the video you will understand
I think I know what you’re talking about here but need to check. After importing or repositioning a mesh in a BP, the rotation / location will be non zero:
which is a pain when it comes to using SetRelativeRotation ( or location for that matter ).
If this is not what you mean, could you give a little pic to make it clearer?
Yes, so you WANT the second at 90 and then you want to apply rotation to it, right?
Yes, I think we’re talking about the same thing. Answer coming, gimme 5…
So, I tried asking this question myself once, nobody understood what I was talking about. I really don’t understand why this doesn’t crop up more. Problem in a nutshell is wanting to position objects in a BP in any way you fancy, but then be able to rotate and re-locate them AS IF they had no local offset.
In your case you want to position cogs at arbitrary angles, but then rotate them without having to worry about how they are positioned.
So the answer is this ( and I would dearly love to hear from someone who knows a better / the right way ):
Position your components how you want them ( this will apply all sorts of translations to the component ).
Make sure the component is selected ( in the top left components view )
Click ‘+Add Component…’ and choose ‘Scene’
You know have this:
In the compnents view, drag the scene onto the component, you will get the tooltip ‘drop here to detach scene from…’
Drag your component onto the scene, you will get the tooltop ‘drop here to attach X to scene’
Now it looks like this:
BUT, now look at the transform of your component:
BOOM. You wiggled your component around in any way you like, and when you’re ready effectively set it back to zero transform. Now you can just apply rotation ( in your example ) to one axis and not have to worry about the actual position of the component…
( I really hopy that’s what you were looking for )
It looks like a bit of a fiddle just because I’m trying to explain it clearly, but it only takes a few seconds and then no more relative movement problems
Thanks for the reply,
i will try as soon as i back home
I just wish the rotations inside ue4 wasn’t a pain like it is now …
OK, i can confirm this works!
Thanks m8
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