Hello so I changed the mesh of a spear into a pike, added FX and sound but when I play it in game it looks like I’m holding the tip of the pike. Is there a way to rotate the object?
And also how do I edit the “fps view” of the object? I don’t see the FX added when I go into first person mode but I see it on 3rd person. Thanks for your time!
I haven’t done anything with weapons, but with the structures the mesh is referenced by a primalitem class , basically the blue tagged class that shows the item. Here you can set rotation translation and scale
Update: I was using FPV for both the meshes but I corrected them now. It looks good but my only problem now is that I added an effect to the FPV, it looks perfectly aligned with the mesh as well but when I try it in game and run around it leaves a trail like this:
I’m not sure on this one but I know some of the particle effects have the option to “leave behind” their particles instead of connecting to the actor movements. I would search for that.
I’m not sure on this one but I know some of the particle effects have the option to “leave behind” their particles instead of connecting to the actor movements. I would search for that.
I’ve been looking around and still no luck with this particle issue. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know thanks!
Hi Tewchainz - how I did it is I nested the particle systems UNDER the [ROOT] CollisionComp for my item. I have a fire particle effect on an arrow that follows the arrows through the air so any “leaving behind” of the particle effect would be very noticable.
This is how it looks under Components for my projectile:
oh no I’m sorry I don’t want it to leave a trail when I move around with my pike but I’ll try attaching the fx to the root. I just want to see the Fx without it leaving a trail when I run or move fast. This was the issue I was talking about earlier on steam. Thanks for the tip!
Hi guys, if your particles are leaving a trail, then to fix that go inside the particle system file, make sure every particle is set to ‘use local space’.