I have some problem with Door Blueprint…
Rotate Door actually…
i’ve watched this video - YouTube
but there is had some errors
like the first click key “F”, doesn’t affect anything, i mean, the code was working , but the door still in there(nothing happen)and when i repeatly click or press the Trigger Key, like mine “F” much time at the moment…
the door become crazy, i mean, when i out of the Box trigger…
i still can press F, and the door can open and close, what that BoxTrigger mean then?
i’ve watched much video tutorial…
i think Tesla video was simple and great, but the same problem, tesla has no trigger, and i can’t reverse back with the same Key like “F”… Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Move Component To - YouTube
this is my blueprint uasset…
please check this, i really confused now …