Rotate character towards input direction over short time?

Hi everybody. I’ve been fighting with this for a while and I could really use some assistance.

What I’m trying to achieve: When my character makes an attack, I want him to turn towards the direction the player was holding when the button was pressed. I want the turn to start immediately as the button is pressed, and end at the beginning of the impact of the attack.

What I have so far: I have the times from the start of the animation until the impact of the attack as a float called “turnTime” that is trying to control a timeline that is set up as a float track that goes from 0-1 with a length of 1 second. I’ll include a screenshot below. The current setup is working in theory, but the interpolation time is so finicky that I can’t get it just right, and it works better for some animations than others, so a project with 100+ animations is just not gonna work this way.

What I’ve tried: I’ve tried using Rinterp to Constant with very little promise, and lerp seemed to do nothing. Rinterp to is the closest thing I’ve gotten to working, but as stated before, I can’t quite get it to be consistent. I’ve also considered using notifies in the animations, but my issue seems to be too specific for that.

As for me, timeline is the way to go, because the duration of Rinterp will depend on the difference between the initial and the target rotation.
Save current rotation to a variable before starting the timeline, and interpolate between the start rotation and the target rotation.

Thank you, getting the character rotation during the interp was definitely causing the goofiness. I did end up using a lerp rotator because I still couldn’t get it feeling right with manual interpolation times. Posting what ended up working below in case someone comes across this in the future.