So when Alt is not pressed, the player rotates along with the camera. When alt is pressed, the camera rotates but the player doesn’t. All good so far. What I want though is when Alt is released, I want the camera to look where the player does after I pressed Alt (in default, when alt is released, the PLAYER rotates to where the camera looks). I tried doing that in the photo above, but it doesn’t work. The rotation gets messed up and goes into a weird position in which I can’t see the player. Can anyone help me?
Forgive me if you’ve already tried it but you could always store the player’s rotation on release, lerp the rotation of the camera to that and then reset controller rotation yaw bool?
This is not a very thorough solver it is mainly to demonstrate what I was referring to in terms of lerping the camera and will give you funky results when the character is moving but hopefully pushes you in the right direction.
Just a note, in my experience a third person camera can become quite bloated if it has a lot of functionality. Another option is always to have 2 cameras and flip between them for the other behaviour rather than making one that can do everything.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas, there are a lot of tutorials out there for different camera/movement styles.