Hello !
To explain more, I have a Mesh that contains Animations ! When I tried some tutorials about IK Foot Placement, it didn’t worked… Maybe because the Mesh is from Mixamo Fuse !
So I did manage something by myself : make a LineTraceByChannel from the Left/Right Foot then calculate the Height from the base of my foot to the ground (or ledge), finally rotate my bone by the height of the ledge on the X axis (X axis because it’s the only axis that I wanted) !
But more I go up (my position on the ground is >0, like 220) more the bone is rotating and giving crazy things (my left foot is inside my head) !
What I wanted to do is calculate the START of the height (start at 0 or something like that) and the END of the height (my ledge so) !
Voyder R.