Rotate Actor - Collaborative Viewer

Hey guys,

I’ve been using the Collaborative Viewer template, and I noticed that I can’t rotate an actor during runtime. I can use the transform tool to move objects but I don’t know how to rotate them?

Could anyone help me?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I’ve been wondering the same thing. Did you ever figure this out? Also I would like the actors to snap to the ground or wall without randomly rotating.

Hey XACUZZI, unfortunately I never figured it out, so I guessed that there weren’t any inbuilt rotate options within the transform tool.

I ended up blueprinting my own rotate options, by creating a new string attached to the existing code, and then getting the hit actor and rotating it on the X/Y/Z by 10 degrees every time I pressed the appropriate button.

If you want I can post some screenshots of my code to help you?

Also I think if you hold SHIFT while in the transform tool it should do some sort of snapping. Other than that I’m not too sure personally, I never really looked into it.