okay so im converting a project from unity. and it uses transform.RotateAround(Vector3 point, Vector3 axis, float angle);
im having trouble recreating this in ue4.
it needs to orbit the point however due to technical reasons … it cant be a child of that point.
nothing related online seems to work as needed… so advice?
but that doesnt move the object in an orbit path does it? and i also dont want it to look at the object… rather i want whatever face currently looks at it to continue to do that. im rotating a cube on its corners.
My bad you want it to orbit around an object.
The easiest way to do this is make the orbiting object a child of an empty gameobject.
Place the empty gameobject at the same place as the middle object and make the empty object rotate.
If you want you can use the look at rotation to keep it looking at the middle object.