rotate 1000 actors in scene with bluescripts


In my scene I have 1000 Actors . I would like to loop rotate all of them. I can write the bluescipts to rotate by use Get Local rotation BUT I must assign target to my Actor one by one.So for my 1000 actors was taken time a lot.

please help . Do they have anyway to assign target all of 1000 actors in one time.

Get All Actors Of Class > ForEachLoop > LoopBody > Rotate from array element

Or register them with a Dispatcher, or add them to an array directly when they spawn. Or the above. There are many ways.

Can you please help me to show blueprints chart? Please Please

It’s literary what **Muntrax **said…

Thank you so much “Everyone” that is exactly I want.

Can ask you one more?

if i want to do same idea but select by component tag, can’t it be?

Please show how write literary for me please

It’s the same…

Experimenting can be fun, give it a go.

Every one thank you thank you thank you so much