Rootmotion - how to change roll distance with the same animation


  • How to change roll distance with the same animation?


  • With the same forward rolling animation which has root motion, but I would like to roll further or shorter, is there anyway to achieve this just by UE4? (e.g. Animation Montage?)
  • Any idea or known techniques will be greatly appreciated. (It was difficult to find any related tutorial online)

I finally found my answer to this matter.
Please follow the steps below for a sample change of the distance on your animation.

  1. Make copy of your animation first
  2. Open your new animation (duplicated from step 1)
  3. Open “Skeleton Tree” tab on the left side.
  4. Click “Root” or very top bone of the Skeleton Tree.


  1. Click “Key” on top tab (This create new key)

  1. Click “Additive Layer Tracks” section “Root” which just created by add new key in the previous step.
  2. Enter Curve Editor for “Root”


  1. Add “Key” in the frame where you want the distance to change.
  2. Change the “Root.Translation.Y” (For my example) value to make the roll distance change.
  3. Put into the Animation Montage and test it out.
  4. It should look like GIF below:



Thanks for sharing, exactly what I was looking for. Going to test this now in 4.26.

Thank you a thousand times! This is exactly what I needed, I didn’t know it was so easy to do! I really appreciate that you posted the answer here! :innocent:

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Hey all
This can be done with a 1D blendspace and two of the same animations, one animation a in place anim and the other a root animation, changing the blend amount changes the distance moved.