I implemented turn in place using montages and root motion. For some reason it works with half strength if I blend turning montage, but not every time.
How do I fix it?
I implemented turn in place using montages and root motion. For some reason it works with half strength if I blend turning montage, but not every time.
How do I fix it?
For example, root motion rotates fully when I blend it with Pistol Aim, but only half with Rifle Aim from the same animpack.
Still stuck
So it’s happening when you apply montage on the pose with root motion enabled. Is there a way to switch off pose root motion and have full montage root motion strength?
bump bump bump
I know this is old, but this is the thread that came up when I was searching a similar issue. What solved it for me was to adjust the blend in and out time in the montage. Lets say you have a 1 second animation, with quarter of the time taken up with the animation blending in and a quarter of the time for the animation to blend out. it’s going to look half strength. I adjusted the blend in/out time from 0.25 to 0.05, and that worked for me.