I have root motion anims I want to loop e.g. a walk cycle would be the simplest example.
This already works pretty well but the anims start & end frames aren’t perfect matches causing a visual blip.
Using sequencer I can blend the end of the walk anim, with the start of the same anim and re-export to a new anim sequence.
BUT its hard to visualise how well this is working, without exporting and checking the exported anim.
HOWABOUT a feature where a checkbox toggle play root anims in place, then I could preview my blending in the sequencer before exporting. (unless I’m missing this feature somewhere in 5.3)
To avoid Motion Builder, I record LiveLink mocap takes with sequencer and trim and use a 3rd party plugin with IK to extract root motion.
Being able to create seamless loops easily in sequencer would pretty much solve my last problem.