I’m working in UE 4.7.6, and I’m having trouble using Root Motion From Everything in the defaults of my Animation Blueprint.
I’m trying to do a similar animation setup to this:
The problem is, when I turn on “Root Motion from Everything”, the character will not respond to the movement direction keys. With “Root Motion From Everything” off, the character does move with the movement keys. All animations used are root motion animations with root motion checked for each. I’m using the Rifle Animset Pro from the marketplace.
I feel like I’m missing a simple step, just not sure what it is.
Hey Snipe3000,
Check out this thread: [link text][1]
[1]: How do I enable root motion in 4.7? - Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums
One thing that stands out is “Just to make sure - you;ve set Root Motion from Everything in the defaults section, not the preview one, right?” -This fixed another user’s problem. -plus they discuss some other possibilities.
If you cannot find the fix to your specific issue there, let me know and we’ll look at this further.
The settings you mentions are set correctly.
I think the issue is how I’m trying to start the animation system. I’m trying to use root animation for movement, but I’m using the characters speed (AddMovementInput) to try to start the animation. Setting Root Motion from everything turns off AddMovementInput so the character no longer has speed.
Should I use Montage Play instead?
Hi Snipe3000,
Would you be able to send your files via dropbox so I could take a closer look?
Hi Snipe3000,
Were you able to resolve the issue of your character not moving with the movement keys when you are using Root Motion? If not, if you can provide your files I’ll be happy to take a look and see if I can find out the cause.
Otherwise, I’ll be marking this as resolved for tracking purposes. If you’d like any further help with this issue you can reopen this post by responding any time.