Root Motion for Character not working as intended.

Hi Everyone can anyone explain why this root motion is not working for my character I took this straight off of Maximo site any options I use end up sending my character all over the place its strange I had to rotate my mesh in the character BP to fix the forward facing issues with this particular model unsure if this could be the cause ? I have tried everything is there something I am missing I have attached a vid of this thanks again.

You don’t have “EnableRootMotion” tick box checked in the left column. Other than that you need to make sure the animation actually has root motion tracks.

Fixing character facing rotation in blueprint does not have negative effects for this.

Its all good turns out this paladin model has a hips bone mid way up the skeleton I had to use a blender plugin to convert the mixamo character skeleton to add in a root bone at feet for this to work properly with UE5 =)

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