I’m not certain if this is a bug or an issue with the way i have layed out the animations through replication, but i’m having an odd issue where my root motion animations on client side windows are sped up about 1.5*. any ideas why they are not replicating properly or what could possibly speed them up?
Edit: Its not only root motion it seems to be all my animations.
Edit 2: Could this be a Delta time x issue on the animation BPs that needs to be slowed down in order to match client 2’s?
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I have the same problem. It seems that it only happens if you enable “Root Motion from Everything” in your animation blueprint. I think that option was only for offline games…
You will probably have to replace it with something else for multiplayer.
I have the same problem too, it always happened on client when I Run Dedicated Server,but it seems right on another client.
I find comments of root motion.
Root Motion from Everything:
Root motion is taken from all animations contributing to the final pose,not suitable for network multiplayer setups.
Root Motion from Montages:
Root motion is only taken from montages,suitable for network multiplayer setups.
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