Root motion acting weird

I’m having this problem when applying root motion my animations for an AI character.
The problem is: that animation should walk as a normal animation, I mean, on the ground. And it does when I don’t apply the root motion.
But when I apply it, the guy starts to walk in air.
I also have root motion set to REF POSE and Root Motion for everything in animation blueprint

Please elaborate.

“This problem” while sharing a video of a random animation that looks ok is rather vague…

Well, I thought the animation looks really weird, sorry.
The problem is: that animation should walk as a normal animation, I mean, on the ground. And it does when I don’t apply the root motion.
But when I apply it, the guy starts to walk in air.

Ok - going by what you just said:
The root bone in the 2 animations has to be at a different position across the blend.

I suggest you export both animations and check them in a DCC.
If they seem to be correctly positioned

A video of the root-motion not applied to actually know what result you are looking for would help.

In all cases, enable all bones - or select the root bone - to debug the actual position of the bone across the blend-space.
And be aware that while playing the animation may look different if root motion is applied (it shouldn’t really, but it sometimes does).

I’ve seen that the root bone should be on the ground. But in this case, mixamo animations, the root bone is the pelvis. So maybe that’s the problem, I’m trying to figure out how to solve this… But if you have some idea… I’d appreciate if you help me!

Take the model to blender, make sure the armature is called armature, export and import back to the engine as a new thing.

The armature should become your root bone which will fix things without having to mess with stuff…

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Hey! Is solved!
The solution was in Blender haha, I had to download the mixamo converter plugin. What it does is basically create a root bone in the top of hierarchy.
Thank you!!

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