I have the following component hierarchy that I manually dragged and dropped and created:
But at runtime it gets flattened for some reason, messing up interactions:
There’s nothing in the Blueprint other than these components, so there’s not much else for me to share to help the issue, it’s a plain Blueprint.
Except for a few settings:
StaticMesh 01 to 03 are set to not visible.
Capsule has custom physics settings.
Why is it getting flattened? I even revised the Actor by diffing in the repository since its creation, and I can’t see that I have changed any other setting.
The project was migrated from UE4, so what I did was cloning it from the Git repository again to see whether it could be a caching issue, but the issue is really there.
Creating the blueprint from scratch, but now with a single mesh also flattens the hierarchy (there are no functions, nothing in the Event graph from me that could be doing this). The only change I made was activating Physics.
Without Simulate Physics it works.
When removing the scene root SceneComponent and making the Capsule Collider the root the hierarchy is not flattened.
But it doesn’t solve it for me, because I need to keep the hierarchy of Scene Component → Capsule Collider → Meshes.
But why is this happening ONLY HERE and it never happens everywhere else?
For example, this other Actor is fine and doesn’t get flattened.
Since the hierarchy gets flattened, if I attach the actor to another actor, only one of the components get attached, the rest stays floating in their current location in the world.
Did I find an engine bug?
I.e. if hierarchy is Scene Component → Capsule Collider (Simulate Physics: ON) → Static Mesh then this happens.
I still haven’t figured out why the flattening happens, and why for other Actors it doesn’t, like, the Character is never flattened at runtime:
(Is this topic turning into a devlog?)
Attaching and moving physics actors
In all of this, at least one big lesson so far. To attach physics actors/components to move them around, you must use a Physics Handle and attach to it (source).