I’ve been having a heck of a time trying to get root motion working. After much trial and error I’ve got it so that the root bone (which is called Root and is at 0,0,0) actually does move when I get it in the engine. However, even tho I an see the bone (and whole character) translating, when I check “enable root motion” the character just sits there. So the root bone moves when I have it unchecked, he stops when it is checked. I can’t make heads or tails of it. When he’s not moving, the root bone is red, whatever that means.
This is intentional. When root motion is checked on, the animation’s preview in Persona will not have any root movement anymore.
To preview this root movement, in the Persona viewport with the animation, at the top of the viewport go to Show>Process Root Motion. You should see it play continuously there.
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