Roomtone sounds different when played in unreal engine 4

Hey there! I would like to add a roomtone to my background audio. As soon as i add the sound into unreal engine it sounds weird (Like unterwater).

I have tried different unedited roomtones, but all of them sound different and kinda broken when put into the engine.

I couldn’t find anything to this problem and i feel lost.
Please help

You would probably hvae to send a before and after sound example for us to help you.

Hey TRJ_Audio yeah sure! I’m not allowed to upload any .wav files, since i’m a new user. I created a short yt-video as a workaround.

Sounds like it has been converted to low quality.
-First of all, make sure you are importing a wave file that is 16 bits/44.1KHZ or 24bits/48KHZ (you might already be doing that). I could imagine if you import some other format that wav, that things can get screwed in the import.
-Then check the quality settings on the imported wave file (not audio cue). Set it to the best quality and listen again.

I’m sorry for the late reply. I have already done both of them. What you hear in the video is the best quality i can get.

That’s definitely not right - can you have a look at your Compression settings in your soundwave after import?

TBH, even really low compression should not have that much of an affect, so it may be something else, but thats the place to start

Ya, that’s definitely not intended behavior. Is it doing this with all sounds you import?

If the Sound Class / Base Submix / Attenuation on your asset isn’t blank, I’d check if those have any effects or modified filter cutoffs on them. (Though those are normally all blank by default, so its unusual for things like that to cause a problem on import).

Otherwise, sometimes things like this can happen if there’s a large discrepancy between the original wave file’s sample rate and the platform’s sample rate. Might be worth looking at your platform-specific audio settings to verify if anything odd with sample rate/compression/resampling is happening there.