Rolling Ball on two static meshes, problem with collisions

Good afternoon everyone. :slight_smile:

I wanted to create a little Pong game, just to learn how to use Blueprints.

First, I made this simple static mesh with Blender, there’s no UV-mapping:

Then I added two of these static meshes into my world like this :

To test the collisions, I coded a little rolling ball with Blueprints :

The problem is that when I shoot the ball, the ball jumps a little bit between the two meshes, and I have no idea how to fix it :

Can someone please help me ? What should I do ?

Thank you everyone, and sorry for my bad English, I’m French and I’m still learning English.

I use UE 4.4

Old question but I am having the same issue. I don’t have quite the solution yet but as seen in other threads this has to do with the collision settings for the ball. Simple collision should roll smoothly, but I have no luck so far. What should the collision of the mesh be like?

I eventually found the solution:

You need to adjust the physics simulation settings of your project. Specifically the “Contact Offset Multiplier” and the “Contact Offset” bounds. Beware of the trade-offs for performance.

If collision doesn´t work, try to set Collision complexity and collision presets inside the Static mesh.

this worked for me:
