Rolling ball jumps on flat surface

As of 4.23 they do

            const float RestOffset = ComputeRestOffset(Elem);
            const float ContactOffset = ComputeContactOffset(Geom) + RestOffset;
            VisitorFunc(Elem, Geom, PLocalPose, ContactOffset, RestOffset);

It seems like each Elem (Body Element?) has its own RestOffset but I see no way to edit that in editor but maybe it takes it from min/max contact offsets?

In which case this should be working as it did before but even in 4.23 my physics isn’t as stable as it was in 4.19 which is why I was reading through this and commenting here.

Assuming an element can be a PxShape then setResetoffset has this description.

\brief Sets the rest offset.

Two shapes will come to rest at a distance equal to the sum of their restOffset values. If the restOffset is 0, they should converge to touching
exactly. Having a restOffset greater than zero is useful to have objects slide smoothly, so that they do not get hung up on irregularities of
each others’ surfaces.

<b>Default:</b> 0.0f

<b>Sleeping:</b> Does <b>NOT</b> wake the associated actor up automatically.

\param[in] restOffset <b>Range:</b> (-PX_MAX_F32, contactOffset)

@see getRestOffset setContactOffset

And FKShapeElem has a RestOffset which says

/** Offset used when generating contact points. This allows you to smooth out
the Minkowski sum by radius R. Useful for making objects slide smoothly
on top of irregularities */

I’m just not sure if the contact settings in the editor modifies these or not. I guess I’ll play with higher values and see what happens. I was on the lower .01 and .05 min/max in 4.19 working fine but in 4.23 getting bounciness again.

Then again there is a ComputeContactOffset which I’d think uses the settings from editor but the ComputeRestOffset uses… IDK yet.

Also states its been fixed

But it isn’t in the release branch yet.