Rolling a 3rd person space ship left/right using enhanced input

Hi all. I am new and trying to learn ue5. Currently using ue5.1. I am trying to create a 3rd person spaceship game that can move forward, reverse (not doing u turn), move left/right, roll left/right (with a limit) using the new enhanced input. It is easier to make a 3rd person maniquin character moves n jumps, but could not find any tutorial on spaceship style game using this new enhanced input. Would really any appreciate help here. Tq

What part of “enhanced input” is the problem?

Once you set up your input actions (which there are tutorials for,) it’s really no different from the old input system.

You add player controller event handlers (or pawn event handlers) for the input actions you’re interested in handling, and map the axis values to whatever your particular movement needs are.

For a forward-moving spaceship, mapping the axis value (-1 to 1) to radians rotation around the forward (local X) axis of the spaceship would probably work pretty well. Add a variable on your spaceship called “TiltRotation” that’s a floating point value, and update this in the input handler for the axis that drives rotation.
Then, in Tick for the spaceship, when you calculate the orientation of the Mesh, simply apply this rotation around the X (forward) axis.

Can you help n give a example blueprint on this. Basically the spaceship can reverse, roll right, roll left, turn up, turn down and move forward towards the direction of the camera. I am trying not to use turn left or right.